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Cheap Modern DIY Home Decor for the Home that Looks Amazing | Dollar Tree DIY

Writer: CassCass

Updated: Jul 20, 2023

I'm always a fan of some chic high-end looking home decor. Today I'm crafting some unique and attractive modern home decor pieces. I love when I can make the dollar store look money. These are some polished looking decorative and functional items. I love when I can incorporate materials from holiday seasons and re-work them into everyday decor. Check to see how I made each piece!


  • Glass Cylinder Vase

  • Acrylic Pour Paint

  • Acrylic Paint Marker

  • Black Chalk Paint

  • Wood Block Pieces

  • Hot Glue Gun and Glue Sticks

Step 1: Get a hold of a plain glass vase.

Step 2: Add acrylic pour paint inside the glass vase. Swirl the paint around the vase to cover the entire inside of the vase.

Step 3: Tilt the vase upside down to make sure the excess paint is released.

Step 4: Allow the paint inside the vase to completely dry.

Step 5: Use a paint marker to write "Bloom" on the front of the vase.



  • Acrylic Pour Paint

  • Clear Ornaments

  • Snow Globe Ornaments

  • Hot Glue Gun and Glue Sticks

Step 1: Take and detach a snow globe from the dollar store. Also, detach two large ornaments.

Step 2: Fill the inside of the globe and ornaments using acrylic pour paint.

Step 3: Wait for the paint to dry. Stack and adhere everything together. Start with the globe as the base and then adhere the ornaments. Make sure to adhere the last ornament on top with the opening facing upwards.



3 Woven Baskets


Hot Glue Gun and Glue Sticks

(I have paint and a brush pictured, but I opted to use spray paint)

Step 1: I found using acrylic paint and a paint brush was too much work. I ultimately used black spray paint which got the job done a lot faster.

Step 2: Allow the baskets to dry and remove the handles.

Step 3: Use glue to adhere two baskets together.

Step 4: Place and adhere the third basket facing upwards on top of the other two baskets.



Black Chalk Paint

Wood Block Pieces

2 Small Wood Crate Pallets

Paint Brush

Hot Glue Gun and Glue Sticks

Step 1: Place the small wood crate pallet down.

Step 2: Adhere glue wood pieces to the wood crate pallet.

Step 3: Use the second wood crate pallet as a gauge to space out the wood pieces on the pallet.

Step 4: Paint the crate black using acrylic black paint.

Step 5: Adhere a wood piece to the top of the crate.


Look at all this style! I love the glossy look of these vases! The contrast of the texture and color of these pieces is compliments. Come say hi and tag me @Craftingwithcass on Instagram if you decide to create your own! Subscribe to the blog for everything DIY and NEW updates!

Take a look at the video below for more details on these pieces of decor! Check out the short version of these DIY's on Facebook!

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